Tham khảo Nghiên cứu khả thi

  1. 1 2 Justis, R. T. & Kreigsmann, B. (1979). The feasibility study as a tool for venture analysis. Business Journal of Small Business Management 17 (1) 35-42.
  2. Georgakellos, D. A. & Marcis, A. M. (2009). Application of the semantic learning approach in the feasibility studies preparation training process. Information Systems Management 26 (3) 231-240.
  3. Young, G. I. M. (1970). Feasibility studies. Appraisal Journal 38 (3) 376-383.
  4. Bentley, L & Whitten, J (2007). System Analysis & Design for the Global Enterprise. 7th ed. (p. 417).
  5. Michele Berrie (tháng 9 năm 2008), Initiating Phase - Feasibility Study Request and Report  Chú thích sử dụng tham số |month= bị phản đối (trợ giúp)
  • Matson, James. "Cooperative Feasibility Study Guide" United States Department of Agriculture. Rural Business–Cooperative Service. October 2000.